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Quote of The Day 5 (Sorry for not posting)

Writer: CrimmyCrimmy

"The moon split me in half and the stars crumbled, falling like fireworks into the sea. I watched my world fall apart the day my love left me."

-Christy Ann Mattine

If you watched the day go by beneath your feet, you'd be probably be re-reading a chapter you loved not long ago. If you've been counting, you must've thought of him so much that the ache would aggravate until the weight never loosened itself--- when it would simply be heavier in your chest by the thought of him, then altered into something so hollow and empty.

There are some broken records you can't fix. Some canvases better left alone. There are some stars that die. And there are some days where the moon would consistently refuse to reveal its beauty.

Yes, the night is indeed beautiful. But it can break.

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2018 Crimmy's Books; Tequilamockingbird Community 

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